State of authentication in Decidim and proposal on how to improve it

With Decidim, we inherit a two-part authentication system: accounts and authorizations.

An account is a user — they have a name, a username, an email, and a password.

An authorization is permission to perform an action on the platform. Generally, authorization is obtained if one is part of a "census," enters a phone number, provides an ID card photo, or something else that certifies one’s identity.

However, neither accounts nor authorizations have been left untouched and we have modified them since we started using Decidim (and we’re not the only ones doing this). For the account, we've created extra sign up fields that allow adding fields to the registration (link to the module and documentation) or friendly signup that eliminates the need to enter the password multiple times, choose a username, etc. Regarding authorizations, we have repurposed them to collect additional information from project holders, which we then collected via our BI and visualization tool, required phone number verification, etc.

These module customizations mainly stem from client requests who want to collect information about users or restrict/secure certain actions on the platform. It’s a legitimate request, though it often leads to poor UX and a lot of technical debt. We have several modules dedicated to different versions of authentication, and some of these modules are divided into several radically different branches. Here are some issues that these modules face:

Here are some requests we can't answer:

Therefore, the situation with authentication is not optimal despite some very nice advancements, particularly friendly signup and extra sign-up fields. The major challenge remains how to accommodate numerous different authentication methods without creating a unique module for each platform, without systematically refusing all client needs, and without sacrificing user experience.

The response we propose results from mapping several client requests that we've seen as a team, the extreme cases being an engineering school, a large French city and one of the most iconic cities in North America, but these are not the only cases where we had to do custom authentications. Here are the three examples:

  1. Engineering school : If you sign up with a student SSO from a specific IMT branch, you can, for example, vote or submit proposals in certain spaces/functions but not others.
  2. French city :
  3. North American city :

These examples inspire these user stories:

Satisfying all these user stories is not straightforward: there are as many authentication methods as participation platforms, and we need to optimize both the user experience and administrative flexibility. The proposed approach can be summarized with two words:


Requesting the bare minimum limits the load of registration and connection as much as possible.


The question now is what would it look like on Decidim?

Let’s start with the user side:

And then for the admin:

To conclude this mini product spec, I wanted to add a FAQ to answer some questions I have already received regarding this presentation:

How do we manage anonymous participation?

How do we send notifications if we don’t have an email address?

How do we manage if more than one action can be performed in a feature?