Product Name: Decidim Multiple Survey Responses Enhancement

Feature Requested: Enable multiple survey responses per device and per account.

Problem Statement: In certain scenarios, it's crucial for individuals to have the capability to respond to a survey on multiple occasions. This includes:

The current system does not provide sufficient flexibility to accommodate these needs effectively, necessitating an enhancement to allow multiple survey submissions from a single device.

Current workaround: Use the browser's Incognito mode and open a new window every time they start a new survey or create a new user account. This process is inefficient, a barrier to participation and needs a more streamlined solution.

Proposed Solution: Implement a new feature in Decidim's core codebase to allow multiple submissions of a given survey from the same device and account. Upon submitting a survey, users should be presented with an option to "Fill in the survey another time."

Product Features and Details:

  1. Multiple Answers Checkbox: A new setting should be added in the survey component settings labeled "Allow Multiple Answers". This will be a checkbox. When checked, it will allow the same device and account to submit multiple responses to a single survey. If not checked, the current behaviour (single response per device) will be maintained.


  2. Post-Submission Button: After submitting a survey, a "Fill in the survey another time" link will be shown to the user. Clicking this link will allow the user to fill in the survey again. This link will only be displayed if the "Allow Multiple Responses" setting is enabled.


  3. ~~Data Integrity: To maintain data integrity and prevent potential abuse, all subsequent responses from the same device should be tagged or flagged in a way that makes it easy for administrators to identify multiple responses from the same device or account. This could involve storing a device ID or similar identifier along with the survey response.~~